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Alicia Schoolman

Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach
Burlington, NC
Alicia Schoolman


"What lies behind us and what lies before us, are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." ~ Henry S. Haskins

Health and Wellness Coaching is what I was born to do! Through all the devastating health issues (including falling through the cracks of the healthcare system) and devastating life experiences, my children and I have faced, I gained knowledge and wisdom while learning tools that helped us get our health and lives back through holistic healing practices and a new, simpler way of living life. We found healing through living a lifestyle that nurtured our minds, bodies, and souls helping us live our healthiest, most fulfilling and joyful lives.

Each person’s and family's health journey is unique, so I want to hear and understand your story, your struggles, your hopes, and what matters most to you. Our work together will provide you with personalized support, guidance, resources, and simple healthy habits that resonate with you, fit into your life, and align with your goals, values, and what matters most to you in life!  I will help you utilize your strengths and talents to develop your own unique, healthy lifestyle. No cookie cutter plans here!

I feel it is such an honor, privilege, and blessing to come alongside families and individuals of all ages helping each person live a life true to who they are and feel resilient in navigating whatever tsunamis life throws at them. Witnessing people feeling better than they thought possible, living a life true to who they are, and seeing their light shine bright again is amazing and an extraordinary gift.

Wherever you are on your journey, it would be my honor & privilege to walk with you, as your guide, supporting you every step of the way with kindness, respect, honesty, compassion, and a safe place to learn and develop simple and healthier lifestyle habits and skills, so you can live your healthiest, most fulfilling and joyful life. I look forward to talking with you to see if you feel working together is a good fit!


  • B.S. Exercise & Sport Science

  • National Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach (NBC-HWC)

  • Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach (FMCHC)

  • NASM Certified Personal Trainer, Weight Loss Specialist, Senior Fitness Specialist, Women's Fitness Specialist

  • Certified in Fundamentals of Rehabilitative Qigong & Tai Chi

  • Basic Skills Tobacco Cessation Training - Univ. Massachusetts Medical School

  • Posture Assessment Specialist

  • Balance Training Specialist - former Gymnastics Coach

Get Started Today!

To streamline your coaching experience, we have partnered with Practice Better, a leading platform for health and wellness professionals. This integration ensures that you have easy access to your coach's services through a centralized platform.


"Before coaching I struggled with severe back pain and my weight. I lost 30 pounds and my pain was an 8, flirting with 9, and is now 1-2 (pain scale of 0-10, 10 being the worst pain). It's been awesome. I really enjoy that you took the time to know me and you didn't give me cookie cutter steps to follow. You gave me something to try and said that if I don’t like it, we’ll back up, re-evaluate, and try something else. I've done different programs through the year but nothing was made for me; it was made for thousands of others, it didn't feel personal and I couldn't get my mind to stick with it. The information you gave TO ME FOR ME, I believe, IS WHAT REALLY HELPED ME. I wish everybody could do it. Even my kids are eating healthier. We are more active as a family and outside more instead of being couch potatoes."

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